Thursday, May 8, 2014

Growing Garden: Final Radish Harvest?

The radishes were a fantastic success! If you are looking for an easy, fast crop then give radishes a try.

Big radish! It was left longer than its 35 day harvest date.

Interesting heirloom/fancy shape

Whatever big sister does, little sister copies. Sophie was dying to help pull radishes. No way! There's other plants in that barrel that are still growing. I didn't want her overzealous hands to pull them out. Instead, we gave her a big bowl of water and she washed the dirt off the radishes.

Eh. It's still dirty. But hey, she's only 3.

Every time I think we've harvested the last of the radishes, another plant appears. Are the gnomes planting extras at night? Anyway, I think this is the LAST radish plant. It's gone to seed, if you look close you can see the flowers. Madeline wants to leave it a little longer so it will grow bigger.

Can you see the flower?
It's a bit fuzzy, but it's as close as I could get.

The tomato seeds have now taken over the radish barrel! They are now at the two-thirds up the tomato cage. No tomatoes yet though.

Are you growing radishes? If not, what's growing in your garden? I'd love to hear about it :)

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